As my tag shows - I am a UBM and have been struggling with that status like most of you and can relate to a lot of what you other UBMs have written above. I am encouraged to see so many UBM brothers and sisters (sorry but couldn't help appropriating that bit of JWspeak) here.
The Song Remains the Same (I am of an age that I understand that Led Zeppelin reference - I owned the album) - I really understand what you say about how maddening and frustrating it is to watch how the WBTS phobia indoctrination f'cks with our loved ones pysches and rationality and how we have to sit back and watch because there is nothing that we can say that will get through to them. What I have learned thanks to the wise counsel of jgnat and others is to stop trying to use logic and instead to use love and understanding as a way to show her who it is who really cares about her and make her want to prefer to spend time with me and my son rather than at meetings. This seems to be working as she has been missing her Sunday meeting and field work more than she has been going. But as jgnat says this can pose problems in itself as she doesn't announce this in advance so my son and I have to adjust our Sunday activities to accomodate her and she spends the first part of the day feelign guilty about not going - still I prefer this to her getting another does of indoctrination.
Could all you UBMs say where you live so we can see about getting together in the real world (as opposed to cyberspace)? I live in London and I know jgnat is in Canada. What about everybody else?
Simon - any chance for a UBM folder on JWN so we can chat about UBM specific issues and encourage more UBMs to sign up?